Hazelhurst CSA Committee 2010-08-11

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Hazelhurst CSA > Co-operative Committee > Committee Meeting 11th August 2010

Hazelhurst CSA


Attended by: Ronin, Marion, Heather (Facilitator), Yvonne

Apologies: Chris, Kerry, Alison

Minutes: Jo

Heather raised the Agenda and what items others would like to be added:

  • Yvonne: timelines for September onwards, to end by 10pm sharp
  • Jo: More information on the skills audit and sufficient time to undertake it.
  • Ronin: Date for ‘Animals on the land’ discussions.
  • Marion: Go thro’ Heathers doc on the ploughed area (from Intro to Permaculture Crs)
  • Heather: Has issued a mini budget to discus. A Growing fund. Timelines map. Norton Show. Leaflet.

ACTION POINTS from last meeting. (Actions are in bold)

  1. JB: to circulate these minutes to the attendees/committee members plus Darrell Maryon, Huw, Jo and Nicola.
  2. Questionnaires: there are 4 missing questionnaires from the Heeley festival. Heather and Yvonne have checked and don’t have them. Yvonne can verbally feedback on them thou. HH: to re-circulate the questionnaire email. ALL: to print out and use widely. To be returned to Alison once complete.
  3. YO: To continue with follow up re Sarah Blandey
  4. CC: To send his bio to Yvonne. YO: to check.
  5. RB: To check with Alison re the confusion relating to Mark Simmons/Making Local Food Work etc.
  6. RB: reported that the Soil Assoc. software/computer model has its uses but has glitches too. The book was easier.


  1. Timelines. Marion produced a detailed spreadsheet with much of the information that Heather was wanting. The need for a short, medium and long term timeline series was discussed and agreed upon. There are on-line systems for storing and sharing this type of info. One example is Google docs. Another is Wiki. It was generally felt that Google docs was easier for a layperson. MA (Marion) & RB: to update Marion’s’ excel spreadsheet. MA: to email it to YO. YO: to Google doc it. ALL: YO will send round a permissions email from Google docs. This needs a response to enable you to access the data.
  2. It was noticed that the current address of the CSA was to an unattended field. Luck alone (and kind folk) meant that an original important legal document was eventually delivered to the committee. AL (Alison): to formally write to the FSA to change the CSA’s address to a real one. RB: To speak to John Rose and see if he is happy to receive our mail. RB: to make a sign for the field with a forwarding address on.
  3. It was resolved and approved that the bank account with The Co-op Bank, as discussed at previous meeting, was approved and would be actioned by Yvonne, as the FSA documents have now been received. To that end it was agreed that the signatories to get the account established would be Yvonne O’Donovan, Alison Hilton, Ronin Barkshire and Heather Hunt. It was noted that as Heather is away for three weeks the other three will proceed and agreed to meet at the Co-op Bank, West St. Sheffield on Tuesday August 17th. at 2.00pm with proof of home address and personal photo ID.
  4. Hazelhurst CSA Leaflet. HH and JB have done some work, but it is incomplete. HH: to complete and print out for the Norton Show. JB: to email HH to get together to finish job off.
  5. Norton Show, Saturday 14th August. Marion taking bees and honey to sell. RB and YO to attend with HH.
  6. Autumn sowing plans. A discussion was had about the calculations for seed required for sowing the 1/5 of a hectare this autumn. MA: to chase Huw and / or John Rose to see if the flowering mustard needs to be ploughed in now. The committee accepted Marion’s’ draft planting plan as the working plan for this autumn. MA: to email her draft business plan for planting crops to the same people copied into the minutes. Huw has agreed to pay for the compost and delivery for the ploughed hectare. Rough calculations estimate at £360 delivered cost. HH: to double check Huw is paying. Once this has been done RB: contact Huw ref supplier details etc.
  7. Budgets. HH presented a draft action plan and budget for a “growing fund” based from the “ploughed area” perma-culture working group last weekend. RB and MA: to sharpen it up with their knowledge and to generate an action plan, for the next Land Development group meeting, including Volunteer activities for the next 6 months.(circulate in advance if possible) Agreed to start a “growing fund”. Incorporate into leaflet and launch it at Norton show.
  8. Land Development Group (MA, RB, HH) to meet with HH: Wednesday 8th September, 7.30pm at Heathers. RB: to invite Darrel and Huw.
  9. Business Development Group. To meet early in 1st week of September (between 1st and 6th). YO: to liaise with AL & CC.
  10. Next Committee Meeting. Thursday 9th September, 8pm. RB: to investigate venue being at Jenny’s and to confirm.

Next meeting: Hazelhurst CSA Committee 2010-09-09

Previous meeting: Hazelhurst CSA Committee 2010-07-21

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