Hazelhurst CSA Committee 2010-01-06

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Hazelhurst CSA > Co-operative Committee > Committee Meeting 6th January 2010

Hazelhurst CSA


Time and Venue

1945 for 2000 start at Yvonne's house.


  • Kerri -- Sorry but I am not going to make tonight's meeting I am not feeling well.
  • Marion


Below is an old, draft agenda, the final agenda was emailed to the list by Kerri on 4th January.

1. Rules
For recommendation at a future public meeting, see the Somerset Rules Questions.
2. Objects, aims and objectives
See the Heeley-Meersbrook_CSA_Steering_Group#Principles_and_Purpose and the proposal from Gareth, the proposal from Heather and Chris, the revised proposal from Heather and the Somerset Rules version of Heather's revised proposal from Chris.
3. The mandate of the Directors’ Group
4. Working Group feedback
5. Transition Céilidh
Saturday the 16th January -- fundraising, some funds might come to the CSA project.


In attendance: Alison (Minutes), Chris, Gareth, Heather, Ronin, Yvonne (Facilitator) Apologies: Kerri, Marion

1. Members’ Check-in

All attendees checked in on their current status.

2. Model Rules – Update and Discussion

The meeting on 3 December 2009 had identified two key areas for clarification when the Group had discussed the two options being considered – IPS Ben Comm and the ‘Somerset Rules’ for a bona fide Cooperative.

These were the voting rights of the different membership classes (particularly investors), and the potential for the distribution of dividends.

Chris confirmed that investors can have voting rights under the Somerset Rules, perhaps limited to 10%. He also confirmed that it is possible to pay dividends in a variety of ways, e.g. interest on money invested, dividend on basis of vegetables consumed, dividend on basis of hours worked. It was noted that there is no potential to pay dividends under the IPS Ben Comm rules.

Chris also confirmed that most CSAs are bona fide Cooperatives, although it was noted that most don’t own their own land.

Chris also highlighted two further positive aspects of the Somerset Rules:

  • the Standing Orders allow users of the Rules to define how their decision-making will work
  • the Rules allow for a Commonwealth Council to be established – a body of people from interested but external organisations who could provide a ‘critical friend’ role and external advice at critical points, if required.

It was noted that Chris Hollings of CMS Ltd had commented briefly on the Somerset Rules, but the information provided was quite limited, as the rules are quite new and knowledge of them is therefore fairly limited.

A wide-ranging discussion followed. It was generally agreed that the Group must be comfortable with the Rules and their application, whichever set is adopted. The Rules must allow the Group to deliver its perceived mandate: own land, receive investment, make decisions on the running of the CSA organisation.

Some frustration was expressed at the ongoing debate around the Rules. Some members felt that it could be appropriate to adopt Rules which are ‘good enough’ to allow the proper initiation of the project, and then agree changes to those Rules once the need for amendments is clearer. On the other hand a desire to use what are perceived to be the best available rules was expressed.

A set of criteria was drawn up which reflected the Group’s majority view on the key aspects to be considered. A ‘mood’ of the meeting was then taken against those criteria, as follows:

Criterion Option 1 (IPS Ben Comm) Option 2 (Somerset Rules)
Allow for consensus decision-making 5 ✓
(extra to standard rules)
6 ✓
Confidence in using 3 ✓ 1 ✓
Skills to use 1 ✓ 1 ✓
Access to external advisors 6 ✓ 2 ✓
Track record of use 5 ✓ 1 ✓
Timescale to adopt formally Insufficient information available at this time

Chris felt that this set of criteria was slanted towards the IPS Ben Comm option. It was therefore agreed at the end of the meeting that a table of information on each option would be drawn up, to highlight:

  • benefits
  • disadvantages
  • what each offers under the broad headings of e.g. membership, voting rights, etc.

The intention is that the table should provide a basic overview of the key areas of each set of rules, to allow for fair comparison and judgement.

Alison to initiate the table, with input from Chris and Yvonne, before circulating to the wider Group for consideration before and at the next meeting.

3. Deferment of Agenda Items

As the discussion on the Rules took up the majority of the meeting, the following items were deferred to the next meeting:

  • Aims and Objectives
  • Reports from working groups
  • Action planning
  • Board members’ feedback (Yvonne’s proposed formation)

4. Consensus Decision-Making Workshop

A date of 26 February 2010 was proposed.

Chris to liaise with Seeds for Change to confirm date.
Chris to explore use of Quaker Meeting House, Heather to support the use of this venue through her role in SCACC.

5. Walk to Hazelhurst Farm

This event was originally planned for 24 January 2010. However, public transport options are limited on Sundays.

It was proposed that the date be rescheduled to 23 January 2010, although this clashes with a ‘Marketing for CSAs’ event in Leeds. Yvonne is attending this, no other members are attending.

It was agreed that the date should be rescheduled – 23 January 2010, meet at 1030 at Gleadless Post Office on the junction with Northcote Road.

Heather to email the Transition email list with updated information.
Chris to revise the information about the walk on the Wiki.

6. Transition Ceilidh

A ceilidh scheduled to take place on 16 January 2010 at 8.00pm at the Grapevine Centre, Northcote Road. Proceeds will support the CSA and other Transition projects.

Heather, Alison and Yvonne will attend, and agreed to provide information about the project to attendees.

Chris will provide the large colour photos of the land for display at the event.

7. Bank Account

Yvonne reported that she has completed as much of the paperwork as she is able to do, pending an agreement on the Rules (and therefore constitution, etc.)

Alison reported that she is currently holding a small amount of cash from previous events (£13.23), to be paid into the account as soon as it is available.

8. Any Other Business

(i) Update on Land Purchase

Heather reported that she has spoken to Huw Evans. The solicitor has the purchase in hand, and there are no apparent obstacles. Given the current quality of the land, short-term actions for the fruitery have been reconsidered. Huw is now likely to undertake green manuring this year, and will buy and plant fruit trees next year. The farmer is about to graze sheep on the land, to bring their own manure.

Huw has provided a copy of the Heads of Terms, the Area Measurement Certificates and the 1:1250 plan to Alison.

Alison to provide copies of the above to Yvonne, at her request.

(ii) Paths to Climate Justice – Feedback Event

Heather reported that there is a Paths to Climate Justice event at the Quaker Meeting House on 25 January 2010, from 6.30pm.

9. Date of Next Meeting

26 January 2010, 1945 for 2000 start
Directors’ meeting
At Heather’s house (subject to confirmation)

Next meeting: Hazelhurst CSA Committee 2010-01-26

Previous meeting: Hazelhurst CSA Committee 2009-12-03

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