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Steve, Jenny

Local Reports

Nether Edge / Sharrow

Ronin: Had a good supper, food group had lots of ideas. Plans for a permaculture design course.


Suzanne: A street party is being organised.

Heeley / Meersbrook

The CSA has a public meeting on 12th October. Social events are being planned.

Porter Valley

Noone was present from the group but Craig reported that they are producing a paper newsletter and are taking over some allotments and are planning a farmers market.

Walkley / Crooks

Nobody knew what was going on.


Sunday 18th October Meersbrook Bank Primary School Fair, contact Chris if you can help with this.

Food Conference

Ronin has discussed with Garath and Grow Sheffield, provisional title, Sheffield -- Feeding the 500,000 Without Fossil Fuels. A steering committee is needed to organise the details. Aiming to hold it at the end of Feb, there are no funds for it at the moment.

Transition Training

Eaga might fund some training. Encounters bank account could be used. The plan is to host the training in the Spring. Jenny to progress this. Possibility of applying to the Sheffield Council small grants fund was discussed.

23rd and 24th January there is some full cost training in Derby.

Future of the Hub Group

Proposal: Rather than having a monthly meeting as we have been, instead have social events less often and disolve / disband the core group and set up Sheffield wide projects groups as needed. This was agreed.


Should the hub email list be opened up?

Should the hub discussion list be shut down?

Should the lists hosted with Riseup be moved to our list server?

Should we use the Sheffield Forum for discussions?

It was agreed to continue with a Sheffield wide announcements list and also have a public Sheffield wide discussion list.

Transition Screening, Ceilidh and AGM

The film costs £70, Craig offered to buy it on the basis that we would pay him back after we raise the money for it.

A Sheffield wide screening with food was discussed to be combined with a ceilidh and a short formal meeting to agree a constitution so a bank account can be set up.

Using Common Ground for this event was discussed, Ronin to check on availability.

Bank Account

Alison volunteered to be a treasurer and it was agree to set up a bank account.

Hub Last Supper

Farewell meeting for the hub group, Wednesday 7th October, 7pm at Suzannah's house.

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