From TransitionSheffield
This is the page for the new publicity group.
Flyers, texts, press releases, logos, etc. can all go here.
- Print material leaflets, posters and anything that can be printed, both our own and online materials
- Publicity distribution ideas of places to put flyers.
- from RECESSION to TRANSITION - leaflet distributed at the Dec 08 Nether Edge Farmer's Market (as both text and a pdf file)
- Quotations - Lots of good quotes around that could be used in various publicity. Stick them here...
- Logos bannners and other related stuff.
- Film screening publicity—designs of flyers and text for publicising the second round of film nights.
- Contact cards Artwork for wallet-sized contact cards for local groups or for Transition Sheffield.
- Signup sheets Template for signing individuals up to local Tranistion Groups and/or Transition Sheffield.
- Stall checklist What you need for a Transition stall
- Stall materials Ideas and designs for posters, banners, any other materials used to make the stall.
- Display boards Designs for display boards to go in libraries or on stalls
Slightly different: Regional contacts Info about Transition Initiatives or mullers near Sheffield