Hazelhurst CSA Committee 2010-05-04

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Hazelhurst CSA > Co-operative Committee > Committee Meeting 4th May 2010

Hazelhurst CSA


Time and Venue

7.45pm for 8.00pm, venue to be confirmed.




The agenda was sorted out at the start of the meeting.


These notes were posted by Alison to the list on May 8th 2010 (Word version).

In attendance: Alison (minutes), Chris, Heather (facilitator), Kerri, Marion, Ronin, Yvonne

1. Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes were accepted as a true record of the meeting.

2. Actions and Matters Arising

The actions identified at the last meeting were reviewed and updated as follows:

  • Chris – still to contact Liz regarding the Events Working Group and also linking up between that Group and any Communications Group that might be formed
  • Marion – still to finalise the timeline section of the development plan from the Land Development Working Group, although a report of the recent meeting has been produced.  To be discussed in more detail at this meeting.
  • Heather – has drafted article for Norton’s Parish magazine; to be discussed in more detail at this meeting.
  • Chris – still to produce and publish a map of the location for the website.
  • Kerri - still awaiting an update from the Council regarding the request for a postal address for the field.
  • Chris - draft publicity for the public meeting on 10 May 2010 has been prepared and circulated.  To be discussed in more detail at this meeting.
  • Chris - still to organise projector, laptop and screen for the public meeting.
  • Alison - looked into availability of portable eco-friendly toilets plus tents, and purchased items after consultation with Ronin.  These are now resources held by the CSA project, for use on the land.
  • Ronin - looked into the purchase of an IBC, a new one would be advisable, and a 1,000-litre capacity IBC would cost approximately £90.  Ronin also reported that Gareth has two smaller containers for hire, if the Committee would prefer that option.  Ronin finally reported that he had talked to John Rose (previous owner of the land) regarding transport and filling of the IBC on the land.
  • Alison - produced Minutes of the last meeting.  Has not yet prepared an agenda or business plan timeline for use within the presentation materials for the public meeting on 10 May 2010.  The public meeting, presentation, etc. to be discussed in more detail in this meeting.
  • Alison - asked Yvonne if she was able to facilitate the public meeting, but unfortunately Yvonne is unable to do this.  To be discussed in more detail in this meeting.

3. Further Planning for the Forthcoming Public Meeting, 10 May 2010

The purpose and inputs for the meeting were reviewed, as not all Committee members were present at the last meeting.  It was agreed that the meeting would need to ratify certain recommendations on the legal/business side, but that there was also a need to spend a significant amount of time on the Working Groups as a focus for future development and action.

The Committee noted that the recommendations will be detailed and have been discussed at length.  Therefore, it was agreed that the balance of the draft agenda should be shifted slightly to allow more time to the Working Groups section.  It was also agreed that a ‘world cafe’ arrangement should be set up after a brief introduction to the Working Groups, to allow attendees to circulate, talk 1:1 with the Groups, and identify how they might be involved.  This format may also make it easier to identify attendees with useful skills to bring to the Groups.

This approach should then flow into the next public meeting in July 2010, which will focus more on the Working Groups, and also update on progress towards the AGM in September 2010, finance planning, etc.

Heather reported that the Norton History Group and the Moss Valley Wildlife Group had both expressed an interest in attending.  Marion also has contacts with the Wildlife Group.

It was agreed that Chris and Heather would jointly facilitate the public meeting.

The revised agenda, presenters and timings were therefore agreed as follows:

  • Introduction (Chris, Heather)
  • Name, principles and purpose (Heather) - 15 minutes (max.)
  • Rules (Chris) - 20 minutes (max.)
  • Business planning and the timeline to the AGM (Alison) - 20 minutes (max.)
  • As the business plan itself is in its infancy, this section will include information about research undertaken to date, and the process, together with an invitation to comment and participate
  • Progress on the land (Marion, Ronin, Huw) - 30 minutes
  • Other Working Groups - 
    • Communications and Events (Chris) - 5 minutes
    • Oral History (Heather, Kerri) - 10 minutes
    • ‘World Cafe’ - 20 minutes
  • Wrap-up and reminder of next meeting - 10 minutes

The draft publicity leaflet was reviewed, and it was agreed that it should be amended to an extent, to reduce the detail, engage potential attendees with the tagline ‘How’s it growing?’, and to retain the URLs for the opportunity to get further information in advance. 


  • Chris - update Principles on the wiki, so that Heather can use the updated version in her section of the presentation
  • Chris - co-ordinate presentation input from other Committee members, to produce one presentation for use at the meeting
  • Heather - provide presentation template to Chris for use
  • All - prepare input to presentation as follows:
    • Heather: name, principles, purpose
    • Chris: rules
    • Yvonne: business plan and timeline
    • Marion/Ronin: land development
  • Ronin - contact Darrel about attending the meeting, to support the report on the development of the land
  • Yvonne - provide posters which were previously displayed in the Central Library
  • Alison - contact Gareth regarding the possibility of having the Transitions green bottles from the Sharrow Lantern Festival on display at the meeting
  • Alison - bring teas, coffee, milk to the public meeting
  • Alison - review publicity leaflet, circulate revised draft to all for comment in the next 24 hours
  • Chris - publish publicity leaflet once content agreed
  • Yvonne - ensure Heeley City Farm has leaflets to display
  • Chris - contact Masters student regarding discussing her project at the public meeting.

4. Land Development Plan

Marion presented a report from the meeting with John Rose, Huw Evans and the Land Development Working Group on Monday 26 April 2010.  Marion informed the Committee that it had been a good, productive meeting.

The meeting had been called because it is clear that the Group needs input from John on the use of the land.  As a result of the meeting, the original plan for the initial land development has been revised.  This means that available machinery can be used to its fullest effectiveness in dealing with the problems of e.g. weed growth.

It has been agreed that an area of around 2 acres should be ploughed as soon as possible - this will be done as soon as the outputs from the soil survey are available.  The survey should have been completed today (4 May 2010), and Huw should be able to collate the information, create a map and report back within a short period of time.  A discussion on permaculture and the best plans for further action can then take place.

There will be costs involved in the development of the land, i.e. ploughing, purchase of green manure seeds, harrowing, purchase, transport and distribution of compost, etc.  There are also decisions - partly based on cost - to be made regarding continued grazing of sheep on the land versus regular cutting of the grass.

It was reported that Huw is also looking into investing in a borehole and wind pump, both of which would support the development of both fields.  

Marion reported that Huw is willing to add items specific to the large field to the existing CSA ‘debt’, provided that the costs go to improving the value of the land. 

The Committee discussed the desirability of getting some form of structure on the land, possibly the first few ribs of a polytunnel.  However, the Committee doesn’t currently have the finances to support such expenditure.  Yvonne clarified that it’s not possible to raise funds from small grants at present as the organisation is still not formally constituted.

ACTION: Marion to draw up a list of questions for John Rose, regarding what support he can provide, together with the detailed costs of that support.  To be put to John by Huw on the Committee’s behalf.

ACTION: Ronin to investigate the detailed costs of a polytunnel, including getting parts rather than a whole, concrete supports, labour, etc.

ACTION: Yvonne to agree a protocol with Huw for the discussion of development items and agreement to add them to the CSA ‘debt’.

In the meantime, the Committee supported the ploughing etc. plan, and Huw’s plan for the borehole and wind pump.

5. Permaculture Course

Ronin reported that unfortunately Andy Goldring from the Leeds Permaculture Network is not now able to lead the course scheduled for 15/16 May 2010.  An alternative teacher has been offered, but the Committee was keen to secure Andy Goldring if at all possible.

Following some discussion about alternative courses, and the risks posed to future courses on the Moss Valley land, it was agreed to postpone the course in May 2010, and to seek to rearrange.  Marion suggested, and the Committee supported the idea of, attending other courses in the meantime, e.g. at Ragman Lane Farm, Worcestershire.

6. Business Planning Working Group

The Group has not yet met, due to unforeseen circumstances.  Yvonne, Chris and Alison agreed to meet on 12 May 2010. Alison has drafted Terms of Reference and will circulate these to Yvonne and Chris prior to that meeting.

ACTION: Alison to circulate draft Terms of Reference.

7. Article in Insight, Norton Parish Magazine

Heather confirmed that she has drafted an article for the magazine, and circulated it for comment.  The magazine is a fairly traditional Church of England publication.  It was agreed that we should put the article forward for publication, but clarify within it that the CSA is not linked to any religious group of any sort.

ACTION: All to review the draft article and provide feedback by 4.30pm on 5 May 2010.

8. Finances and Fundraising

Alison reported on the current financial holdings of the Committee.  With input from two Almost Zero Carbon Cabarets (+£72), and expenditure on portable toilets and utility tents for use at the site (-£114.98, spent by Alison and authorised by the Committee), the current cash balance being held is £26.58.

Yvonne also noted that costs had been incurred on the presentation materials prepared for the Central Library.  These should be recouped from Steve from Transition Sheffield funds.

9. Oral History Working Group

Heather and Kerri reported that interviews had taken place, and that the Group’s work was progressing very positively.  Someone to transcribe the taped interviews would be useful.

10. Date of Next Committee Meeting

1 June 2010, 7.45pm for 8.00pm.

Venue: Alison’s house.

Ronin to facilitate. 

Next meeting: Hazelhurst CSA Committee 2010-06-01

Previous meeting: Hazelhurst CSA Committee 2010-04-20

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