Hazelhurst CSA Committee 2010-03-30
Hazelhurst CSA > Co-operative Committee > Committee Meeting 30th March 2010
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Hazelhurst CSA |
Events |
Contents |
Time and Venue
7.45pm for 8.00pm, venue to be confirmed.
- Agenda
- Agree an agenda for the meeting.
- Notes from the last meeting
- To agree the notes from the last meeting and any matters arising not already on this agenda.
- Principles and Purpose
- See Hazelhurst CSA Principles and Purpose.
- Working groups
- Hazelhurst list
- When the hazelhurst list was set up it was used for almost all committee correspondence, now however most correspondence is being conducted off-list. What should the list be used for? Yvonne has suggested "important issues like agendas, minutes, documents, relevant key discussions, invitations, open meetings, task group reports, site maps, and all kinds of interesting stuff to both archive and represent the journey".
- Public meetings venues
- 3 public meetings are planned, Hazelhurst CSA Meeting 2010-05-10, Hazelhurst CSA Meeting 2010-07-05 and Hazelhurst CSA AGM 2010-09-20, the Grapevine Centre is available for these evenings, do we want to book it?
Following is a wiki version of the second version of the notes Alison sent to the list as a word document on 17th April 2010, the the first version was sent on on 5th April 2010.
In attendance: Alison (Minutes), Chris, Heather, Kerri, Marion, Ronin (Facilitator); Darrell, Huw
1. Report from Darrell
Darrell was invited to the meeting to provide an update on plans for the land, and to answer questions from Committee members. The following points were discussed:
- Darrell has a contact for green waste compost, which could be bought at a cost of around £18 - £20 per ton (including delivery). The quality of the compost passes the ‘100 standard’. Darrell plans to investigate whether it is possible to improve on this deal
- we need between 10 and 20 tons per acre
- the make-up of the waste would need to be reviewed to ensure that nitrogen levels conform to requirements, at the same time as ensuring that it contains the right sort of nutrients from e.g. deep-rooting plants
- Marion has researched the use of ‘quick-fix’ and ‘fertility-builder’ mixtures of green manure seeds, available at different prices
- any animal manure used will need to be checked for quality/acceptability also (e.g. pig manure has to be checked for copper levels; worming agents, antibiotics and e.coli are removed after 6 months of appropriate composting)
- soil investigation is important, because some areas of the land are better than others
- Darrell recommended that we trial-run some strips with planting at the end of the summer
- we may also choose to maintain some areas for movement around the land, to avoid compacting the productive land.
The intention should be to undertake subsoil ploughing when the land is dry, spread and then harrow the green manure, sow the seed, and then roll over it.
Darrell agreed to write a more detailed plan, however he will require some clarity from the Committee about what is wanted, where, etc.
2. Report from Huw
Huw informed the Committee that his plans for the small field are for no top-soil ploughing, some mulching and sheep grazing, with sub-soil ploughing when the land is dry. He may consider keeping some of the existing grass and clover because it makes movement around the site easier.
Huw confirmed that we will need to give instructions to the farmer as soon as possible if we would like him to assist with any work on the land (e.g. manure spreading).
Huw also confirmed that he has held successful volunteer sessions with Point Blank, together with Marion, to support the soil investigation. The next session will take place on Tuesday 13 April 2010.
Huw agreed to stay for the remainder of the meeting and contribute to the business if required.
3. Events on the Land
The Committee discussed the potential for events to be held on the land, and requested input from Huw, given that he has ultimate responsibility for what takes place on the land, health and safety, etc.
Huw clarified that he holds general insurance for use of the land, but not for big events. He felt that it would not be very difficult to change the insurance if necessary.
It was reported that Marion has a pro forma risk assessment which she has used for volunteer activity up to this point. The Committee discussed the need for such assessments for each event, and considered whether the Events Working Group has picked this up.
ACTION: Chris to liaise with Liz Roberts regarding this.
The Committee also considered that it would be appropriate to display risk assessments at the gate of the field, to ensure all users had access to them. Also, the Committee should maintain a file of all assessments, to ensure that it can demonstrate that legal responsibilities for health and safety etc. are being considered properly.
4. Working Groups
The Committee discussed the formation of various Working Groups, and the need for Terms of Reference and a formal Purpose for each of those Groups.
The following progress was reported
(1) Business Planning Group - Yvonne (lead), Alison, Chris
It has not been possible for the Group to meet yet. It expects to produce draft Purpose and Terms of Reference shortly.
(2) Conservation, Biodiversity and Land Development - Marion (lead), Ronin (second lead), Heather, Kerri
The proposed Terms of Reference are:
Draw up plans and costed options for developing the land for organic growing and biodiversity in collaboration with Darrell and Huw and advise the committee on these plans and options. To inform Huw of volunteers interested to work on the site and engage volunteers in conservation and land development tasks.
This group will include work on Permaculture principles, rather than there being a separate Permaculture group.
Marion indicated that she required some support in the drafting of the land management plan, and will make a first draft for comment.
ACTION: Marion to draft land management plan for further review.
A discussion about the arrangements for decision-making took place. Huw indicated that he sees himself as the steward of the land; he is willing and able to use the intervening time (before the land is bought from him) to develop the land in the right direction, but this would involve eventual cost to the Co-operative so the Committee (and subsequently the Co-operative once it is formally in place) needs to be involved in any decisions about the land from this point forward.
It was agreed that Huw should be formally co-opted to this Working Group, so that both he and the Committee can be jointly involved in all decision-making in the development of the land.
It was further agreed that the co-ordination of volunteers should fall into the remit of this Group, given Huw’s legal responsibility for activities on the land.
(3)Oral History Group - Heather (lead), Eva Maguire, Kerri
The proposed Terms of Reference are:
Interview neighbouring farmers and families to gain knowledge of farming practices past and present which can inform the CSA project and develop mutual understanding and cooperation between the coop and the local farming community. To share information with the management committee and land development group on an ongoing basis. Develop a project participation group of interested Sheffield and Norton/Moss Valley people to advise and engage with the project.
The Group wants to share information and tips from farmers, including past practices. Heather agreed to take up a slot at the next public meeting to publicise the work of the Group, and the development of a blog was also discussed briefly. It was agreed that any materials should be shared with the Committee, Darrell and and Huw.
(4) Communications Group
There has not been a Communications Group up to this point. The Committee recognised the importance of both organising its own materials and also publicising the Co-operative and the public meetings widely. The involvement of the Events Group could be useful in this respect.
ACTION: Chris to check with Liz to see if she wants to be involved in this.
Heather reported that Phil Shaddock from the Norton Parish Magazine wants to include bimonthly information on the project in this free magazine distributed to 4,000 households. The Group supported this, provided that it is a magazine distributed to all households in the area, not by subscription. Heather agreed to draft the first item, and share it with the Committee for comment. Thereafter, members will take it in turns to draft information.
ACTION: Heather to draft an item for the newsletter, for circulation to Committee members for comment.
5. Principles of the Group
Heather reported on progress on the finalisation of the Principles of the Group. Following input from responses from various members, and in particular input from Chris, Heather has amended the version initially circulated in November 2009, to include, e.g. employment at fair rates of pay and financial sustainability.
The agreed Objective reads as follows:
The objects of the coop shall be community supported agriculture which aims to grow and distribute organic, healthy, affordable food for the benefit of the community using ecological and cooperative principles and renewable energy and through this contribute to a more resilient and inclusive food system for Sheffield and surrounding area.
The draft Principles currently read as follows, and are open to comment from the Committee:
We aim to:
- Provide land for organic food production for the explicit purpose of a community supported agriculture project, for the benefit of the local communities of Sheffield and surrounding area
- For the medium term, focus on horticulture production
- Grow and trade healthy, affordable, organic food
- Use ecologically sound methods, minimize the use of oil consumption, and develop renewable energy sources.
- Develop the project in ways that protect and encourage biodiversity and wildlife
- Provide local employment at fair rates of pay
- Provide safe working conditions
- Work towards being financially sustainable
- Promote community involvement and engagement in food growing and distribution promoting a sense of community around the project
- Promote education in projects running on the site emphasizing the importance of localizing food production
- Be fully inclusive. People from all backgrounds, abilities, income groups and experiences are welcome to join. This applies to employees, volunteers and members.
- Be transparent in our affairs, make decisions on the basis of consensus wherever possible and strive towards social justice.
- Promote community supported agriculture to other communities and farms, learn from established CSAs and in the future share our learning (both economic and farming).
- Work co-operatively with neighbouring farms and other enterprises that share our principles.
The Committee will formally agree the Principles at the next meeting and members should provide any further comments by email prior to that date.
ACTION: All members to review current draft and provide any comments via the email list, prior to the next meeting.
6. Communications
Chris clarified for members that the committee@hazelhurst.coop list is private, whilst the Hazelhurst@lists.transitionssheffield.org.uk is archivable and searchable. The email interchange only goes to members, but all material is then archived publicly so is available to all who wish to review the material. Using this list makes information easier to find, which means it’s easier for non-members to know what’s going on and to learn from the Committee’s experiences. Particular pieces of information can be extracted and put onto the Wiki.
Some updates would be required for the wider email circulation list, and this might be a matter for the Communications Group to agree.
Chris was thanked for clarifying the position. Members agreed that the public list would be used in future, with the knowledge that all content is subsequently available to all. The private list will be used for interactions where private information (e.g. contact details) is shared.
7. Any Other Business
1) Venues for Forthcoming Meetings: Chris confirmed that the Grapevine Centre is available for all dates.
ACTION: Chris to confirm booking of the big room for the public meetings identified in the last meeting.
2) Map of the Field: Chris reported that Ordnance Survey are releasing some maps for public use on 1 April 2010, and he will put a map of the field onto the Wiki once they are available.
ACTION: Chris to publish map of the field once available.
3) Postal Address for the Field: Kerri reported that she has investigated this. The Committee needs to provide a map of the location to the Council, and the Council must agree to the address being given. It’s likely to be called Big Pond Field, Hazelhurst Lane. However, Kerri agreed to verify the name of the field with the farmer.
ACTION: Kerri to confirm the field’s name and to take forward the request for a postal address.
Huw confirmed that he could provide the official field number for the Committee’s information.
8. Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 20 April 2010, 7.45pm for 8.00pm Directors’ meeting Venue to be confirmed
Next meeting: Hazelhurst CSA Committee 2010-04-20
Previous meeting: Hazelhurst CSA Committee 2010-03-07