Hazelhurst CSA Committee 2010-05-26

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Hazelhurst CSA > Co-operative Committee > Committee Meeting 26th May 2010

Hazelhurst CSA


Time and Venue

7.45pm for 8.00pm, Venue: Alison’s house.


Chris, Kerri, Marion



These notes were sent to the list by Alison.

In attendance: Alison (minutes), Heather, Ronin (facilitator), Yvonne

1. Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes were accepted as a true record of the meeting.

2. Actions and Matters Arising

The actions identified at the last two meetings were reviewed and updated as follows:

Actions from meeting on 20 April 2010

  • Heather has contacted Liz regarding the Events Working Group, which is meeting on 1 June 2010 to discuss future events, including fund-raising opportunities.
  • Chris still to link up between that Group and any Communications Group that might be formed.
  • Marion – the timeline section of the development plan from the Land Development Working Group is in hand but not yet finalised.
  • Heather – drafted and submitted article for Norton’s Parish magazine. Action closed.
  • Chris – still to produce and publish a map of the location for the website.
  • Kerri - still awaiting an update from the Council regarding the request for a postal address for the field.
  • Ronin - looked into the purchase of an IBC; to be discussed in more detail in the meeting.
  • All actions associated with the public meeting were completed.

Actions from meeting on 4 May 2010

  • All actions associated with the public meeting were completed.
  • Marion – drew up list of questions for John Rose, these have been forwarded via Huw.
  • Ronin – investigated polytunnel costs; to be discussed in more detail in the meeting.
  • Yvonne – has discussed the development of a protocol for joint working with Huw, who has in turn suggested drafting a Heads of Terms document. Yvonne will further liaise with Huw on the synchronization of these documents in June 2010 (after holidays).
  • NEW ACTION: In the meantime, Yvonne to share correspondence with Huw with other Committee members.
  • Alison – circulated draft Terms of Reference for the Business Plan Working Group to Yvonne and Chris.

3. Feedback from the Public Meeting on 10 May 2010

The Committee discussed the recent public meeting. It was formally reported that the name, Aims and Objectives, Principles and Rules had all been formally endorsed by attendees, with only minor wording changes required to the Aims and Objectives and Principles.

The agreed content has been publicized via notes of the Public Meeting.

The public meeting attracted around 25 to 30 people, around half of whom had not attended a meeting before, and some of whom came from outside the immediate Heeley-Meersbrook ‘catchment area’ (including the Moss Valley Wildlife Group).

Generally the feedback from the meeting was very positive, commenting on the progress that had been made to date. There was a World Cafe session in the second half of the meeting which had allowed attendees to engage with the various Working Groups.

In this context, the Meeting discussed the opportunity to engage volunteers in supporting the work of the Groups. It was noted that David G. has contacts at the University and it might be possible to engage students in environmental management tasks. It was acknowledged that each Group has a need for volunteers. However, it was also noted that there are issues of recruitment and management, and task descriptions are needed.

4. Report Back from Business Plan Group

Yvonne led on feedback from the Group. She reported that the Group had met twice and requested that the Committee formally receive the minutes from those meetings.

Terms of Reference: agreed as follows:

a. To research, formulate and propose a viable business plan for adoption which

i) ensures the Hazelhurst Community Supported Agriculture Co-operative Limited organisation is legally established;

ii) sets out the necessary activities to bring the Co-operative to full operational status (e.g. formal officers, bank account, advisers etc.);

iii) details an approach to the raising of finance, principally through a share issue and membership programme and creating a prospectus to publish same;

b. to begin establishing financial systems which demonstrate transparency, accountability and honesty in our business affairs;

c. to work co-operatively with other Working Groups, particularly the Conservation, Biodiversity and Land Development Group, to ensure the plan offers the best opportunity for practical success;

d. to begin fundraising for specific resources for capital or projects in a way which is consistent with our overall objectives;

e. to cost options which source goods and services from ethical suppliers in line with our ethical supplier policy (yet to be adopted).

It was noted the Terms of Reference were challenging, and other skills and resources were required. The Group is aiming to provide a draft of the Business Plan by 5 July 2010, and the share issue prospectus by 20 September 2010.

It was clarified that section a (ii) allows for acting officers prior to the AGM.

SMART objectives: discussed. It was agreed that items 3 and 7 should be amalgamated to recognise work to be done with Huw on formally working together, and that the Working Group would lead on this item.

It was also agreed that the SMART objectives should be amended as follows:

title to make it clear that the objectives relate to the Management Committee and not the CSA as a whole an objective dealing with the development of Working Groups should be added.

ACTION: Yvonne to update the SMART objectives paper and circulate to members ACTION: All to comment as required.

Bank account: Yvonne reported that in order to establish a bank account - which is needed in the near future - we require a formal constitution; a Chair, Treasurer and Secretary; and an address. It was agreed to use Alison’s address as the formal correspondence address for the CSA.

Short-term fundraising: this was discussed by the Committee, and it was noted that targeted activity would be useful, to raise funds for particular, identified needs. There are resource implications to this, as resources within the Committee are already stretched. It may be possible to identify someone experienced in short-term grant applications via VAS (Volunteer Action Sheffield). It would also be sensible to link into the Events Group, so that events with a particular goal in mind (e.g. purchase of polytunnel) could be planned.

ACTION: Next Business Plan Working Group meeting to focus specifically on fund-raising.

Investor role in the project: discussed. It was agreed that the initial share issue should focus of capital fund-raising (as distinct from fund-raising to target particular needs). We need to ensure that we have a clear ‘selling point’ for investors, focusing on buying into the community, supporting its sustainability, etc.

Market research: in the light of the above, the development of a customer-facing market research questionnaire was felt to be premature. It was agreed that it would be more beneficial to conduct some more low-key exploratory research. The following actions were therefore agreed:

  • ACTION: Ronin and Yvonne to attend Heeley Festival on 19 June 2010, representing Heeley-Meersbrook Transition, and conduct straw poll, based on sub-sections within the original questionnaire
  • ACTION: Heather and Yvonne to investigate getting a H-M Transition presence at the Festival
  • ACTION: Heather to supply paste table to Yvonne for her use at the Festival
  • ACTION: Heather to ask Green Triangle for loan of tent
  • ACTION: Heather to review draft questionnaire and provide suggested simplified version
  • ACTION: Simplified version to be circulated to Transition mailing list, to explore their views whilst making it clear that the questions should not be taken to set any expectations
  • ACTION: Heather to get any output from the CSA Business Planning Event previously attended, from Gareth
  • ACTION: Land Development Group to initiate planning using the Soil Association planning tool - this gives a sense of whether the assumptions within the Business Plan stack up.

The people/skills aspect of the project: also discussed. It was noted that the Business Plan Working Group needed some assistance, but that more generally, help would be required in terms of e.g. writing job descriptions both for employed people and volunteers. The use of John Rose as a contractor on the land has also been explored by the Land Development Group. Huw is currently responsible for volunteers on the land, but volunteer work for other aspects of the project is also required (e.g. publicity, etc.)

Heather reminded the Committee that both Heeley Development Trust and Heeley City Farm have offered to assist with personnel and payroll issues in the future.

  • ACTION: Heather to share email string regarding Darrell’s role in overseeing contract work with John.
  • ACTION: Business Plan Working Group to take forward discussions with Heeley Development Trust and Heeley City Farm.

5. Report Back from Land Development Group

Ronin reported back on behalf of the Group.

Cultivation: the recent hot weather means that ploughing isn’t possible currently. It has been agreed that the hectare will be mown, with the cuttings being used as hay by John Rose in return for farmyard manure. The same plan as before (regarding ploughing, harrowing, etc.) will still go forward but has been re-timed.

Borehole: exploration of best options is ongoing. They are priced consistently around £10,000. As John Rose is seeking to get one too, it might be possible to discuss some sort of discount?

ACTION: Heather to report to Huw and Ronin about source of the borehole at Povey Farm.

Investments/purchases: Ronin reported on the following particular items which it would be particularly useful to secure as soon as possible.

Polytunnel: it may be possible to get polythene from New Roots and then to build a meeting-room-sized tunnel for around £100. It was agreed that this should be put to the Events Group as a specific item for which a particular event could contribute.

Advertisement for grower: to be made in autumn, with potentially a February 2011 start. This fits with the Business Plan timetable.

Gate for field: Huw is keen to put a gate on the field, although the style and security of it were not resolved. The Committee felt a combined vehicle and accessible personnel gate would be useful.

ACTION: Ronin to investigate Eyres in Brough.

Container for tools: this is priority, and may cost a few hundred pounds. Again, this may be something that a targeted event could assist with.

IBC (for water): another priority, before the borehole is in place.

Wheelbarrows: another useful item, which could be the target of fund-raising.

Thunderboxes: to be built or bought. The tents and portaloos form a workable intermediate solution.

Barn: a cordwood rammed earth barn would be ideal. It might be possible to link up with LILI (Low Income Living Initiative) over this.

Volunteer recruitment and tasks: it was reported that Huw attends on Tuesdays. It was also suggested that the third Sunday of the month (10am - 4pm) should be identified as a ‘volunteer day’. The following dates were therefore proposed: 20 June, 18 July, 15 August, 19 September 2010.

Cultivation of the hectare: the rotations still need to be worked out. Access routes of at least 10 metres have been identified around the outside, this is more than is required to separate from non-organic farmland.

Permaculture course: Ronin reported that Joe Atkinson is available to teach the introductory weekend course on the weekends of 17/18 July and 7/8 August 2010. Other courses are also still planned (first year on the land and the 6-month design course).

ACTION: Ronin to investigate facilities with Gareth.

ACTION: Ronin to talk to Chris about an advert for the course.

Wildlife sightings: Ronin reported that Marion wants a Virtual Log for wildlife sightings, and provided a leaflet from the Open University with some information about this approach.

6. Report Back from Oral History Group

Barn dance: Heather reported that there is a Barn Dance at Povey Farm on 26 June 2010, at 7.30pm, to raise money for a local hospital. Some attendance from the wider project supporters would be positive.

Moss Valley Wildlife Group publicity: the Group has published some information about the project which is positive although there are some minor inaccuracies. ACTION: Heather to liaise re. the content.

Volunteers: for publicity, leaflets etc. are required.

ACTION: Heather to liaise with VAS.

Public Meeting for the Group: a public meeting to feed back some of the findings of the Group is penciled in for October 2010. It will involve the Norton farmers who have contributed to the project as well as other interested parties, and therefore will need to fit with their seasonal demands.

Womens’ Walking Book: Heather reported that she had drafted an article for a women’s walking book, giving the walk to the land. After discussion regarding security on/of the land, it was agreed that the article should be amended slightly.

ACTION: Heather to organise revision of article.

It was generally agreed that this sort of question re. access to the land needed to be covered in the Heads of Terms agreed with Huw.

It was agreed that Heather’s work effectively constituted outreach liaison and that could be recognised as such under the terms of the wider Communications Group.

7. Date of Next Committee Meeting

22 June 2010, 7.55pm for 8.00pm.

Venue: Heather’s house.

Facilitator to be confirmed.



Next meeting: Hazelhurst CSA Committee 2010-06-22

Previous meeting: Hazelhurst CSA Committee 2010-05-04

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